Treatment planning is the procedure that describes the patient's best treatment conditions. In electroporation, treatment planning is the process in which physicians plan appropriate external electric field distribution for a patient with cancer by means of computer systems. Successful electroporation treatment aims to precisely cover the target volume with the required electric field distribution while minimizing the damage to the healthy surrounding tissue. This project works in the development of clinical workflow treatment planning system that provides physicians with Numerical and Analytical analysis of electric field distribution. The system includes medical image processing and analysis, Geometry analysis, visualization and simulation tools.
A clinical application tool for facilitating the needle based clinical applications including biopsy sampling. The tool is composed of medical image processing software and smart stick hardware for physician hand error guiding. Our solution is an added technology to the biopsy sampling in needle-based diagnosis and treatment procedures.
Al-Quds University
, Main Campus,Abu Dis, P.O Box 89.